The Tale of My Stuck Crypto: A Journey Through

In the world of cryptocurrencies, a simple mistake or an unexpected issue can cause you sleepless nights. In this article, I’ll share my recent experience with, a popular non-custodial wallet platform, and how I managed to retrieve my stuck funds, emphasizing that this process is only applicable to non-custodial wallets.

The Move to Two weeks ago, I decided to diversify my crypto holdings and move some of my assets to My goal was to spread my funds across multiple platforms for increased safety, as I didn’t feel comfortable keeping everything in a custodial wallet. So, I began the transfer process, starting with a small amount of 100 USDT (Polygon).

The Disappearing Funds: After receiving confirmation from the sending platform that the funds had arrived at their destination, I eagerly logged into my wallet, only to find no trace of my transferred crypto. Surprised and worried, I patiently waited for a day or two, hoping that the funds would eventually show up. Sadly, they never did.

Seeking Help from Customer Service: Frustrated, I contacted’s customer service, but my pleas for help went unanswered for two whole weeks. During this time, I was left to wonder what could have gone wrong and how to resolve the issue on my own.

The Breakthrough: Exploring the Blockchain: One day, as I was searching for answers, I stumbled upon an idea: using the Polygon blockchain explorer to verify if the funds were indeed in the address I had sent them to. To my relief, the explorer confirmed that the funds had arrived the day I sent them. But how could I retrieve them from

The Recovery: Importing the Wallet and Enabling the Crypto: With my secret phrase provided by when I opened the account, I imported the wallet into my Trust Wallet(a secure and decentralized mobile wallet app for storing and managing cryptocurrencies). At first, I still couldn’t see my funds, which left me feeling disheartened. But then, I realized that I needed to enable the specific cryptocurrency in my Trust Wallet — in this case, USDT Polygon. When I did this, voilà! There were my funds, safe and sound.

Conclusion: Armed with this newfound knowledge, I transferred the recovered funds back to the wallet address from which they had come. This experience taught me the importance of patience, persistence, and exploring all possible avenues when dealing with unexpected issues in the world of cryptocurrencies, specifically with non-custodial wallets.

If you ever find yourself in a similar situation or know someone who has stuck funds in a non-custodial wallet, following these steps might help you navigate the issue:

1. Use a blockchain explorer to verify if the funds have arrived at the intended address.
2. Obtain the secret phrase of your non-custodial wallet provided by the wallet service when the account was created.
3. Import the wallet into another trusted wallet of your choice (in my case, Trust Wallet) using the secret phrase.
4. Enable the specific cryptocurrency within the new wallet to see the balance.

Remember that in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, challenges and setbacks are bound to happen. The key is to stay vigilant, be resourceful, and never shy away from seeking knowledge and guidance, for it’s through these trials that we grow stronger and more adept at navigating the complex and rewarding world of digital assets, particularly when dealing with non-custodial wallets.